• 14 machining centres.
    5 automations.

    Experience live.

21 February 2024

Discover our technologies.

We regularly welcome interested customers to our technology centre and offer them the opportunity to see the performance of our CNC solutions for themselves on site and in person. In order to be able to present our latest technologies for more precise and efficient chipping processes, we have recently updated a large part of our exhibition.

Let us convince you of the performance and possibilities of our diverse solutions.

Arrange a visit now

Milling technologies.

We are committed to the continuous further development of our products, always with the aim of fulfilling the needs and requirements of our customers. We want to provide you with solutions that not only enable maximum productivity, but also offer exceptional ease of use. As part of the latest updates to our technology centre, we are proud to present our latest innovations. Visitors will have the opportunity to experience 13 state-of-the-art machining centres in action and see for themselves their performance and efficiency live under chip removal.


4/5-axis all-rounder for single parts and series in the smallest of spaces.

TILTENTA 7-2600 NEO: Whether end processing of long workpieces or 5-side complete processing - the TILTENTA 7 crossover concept releases many machining tasks in machine, tool and vehicle construction. The combination of a continuously swivelling main spindle and a long machine table with integrated NC rotary table allows the mixed production of single parts and series.

50kW powerhouse with SK50 for extreme requirements.

TILTENTA 10-3600: Full 5-axis machining up to 2,200 kg, vertical machining up to 6,200 mm, front side processing up to approx. 5,000 mm, oscillating machining, SK50 power - and all this with constant machine dynamics, regardless of the workpiece weight. Thanks to the travelling tool magazine, you as the user benefit from short chip-to-chip times over the entire travel path.

Milling technologies.

In combination with innovative automation systems.

Palettenautomation HEDELIUS MARATHON SR518 + 5-Achs-Bearbeitungszentrum HEDELIUS  ACURA 85 MARATHON - mit Bediener am HEIDENHAIN - Steuerungs-Terminal

Manufacture large, heavy workpieces automatically.

ACURA 85 + MARATHON SR518: With 18 pallets of 500 x 500 mm each, 700 mm interference circle and 470 kg transfer weight, the MARATHON SR518 multi-pallet magazine is designed for handling large, heavy single parts as repeat parts or small to medium series. Together with the powerful ACURA 85 5-axis machining centre, the optional 50 kW spindle and a 344-position STANDBY tool magazine, it forms a perfectly coordinated team for maximum productivity.

Entry-level automation solution with 6 pallet storage locations.

ACURA 65 + MARATHON PL406: The compact fixture storage unit with 6 pallet storage locations and a transfer weight of max. 370 kg enables you to achieve minimum tooling times for the subsequent order, even with mixed production of single parts or small to medium series. For easy operating, the pallet magazine has buttons for rotating the pallet carrier and for acknowledging raw parts.

HEDELIUS ACURA 65 MARATHON 5-Achs-Bearbeitungszentrum + HEDELIUS Palettenautomation MARATHON PL406 mit geöffneten Türen

Efficiency-enhancing set-up options.

Tooling optimisation is a crucial aspect that should definitely be taken into account when planning a new CNC machining centre. With our wide range of setup optimisation options, we design every machining centre to create a customised solution concept for our customers. Experience various highlights live in our technology centre.

Werkzeugautomation - HEDELIUS STANDBY Magazin
STANDBY tool magazine

The STANDBY tool magazine offers you the choice of 152, 180 or 264 additional tool spaces. With its minimal dimensions of 2810 mm in height and a base area of 1340 mm in diameter, the STANDBY MAGAZIN combines maximum productivity with minimum space requirements.

Zero point clamping technology

HEDELIUS machining centres can be equipped with zero-point clamping systems from GARANT ZeroClamp or SCHUNK NSE. With the help of this standardised interface, you can achieve a significant reduction in non-productive times by simplifying time-consuming cleaning, measuring, alignment and clamping.

work area partition

By using a work area partition in the machining centre, two closed, independent work areas for economical chipping in oscillation mode can be created from one work area of the machine. The partition can be inserted or removed in just a few minutes.

Measuring systems

We offer various optional features for tooling optimisation with regard to the measurement of your cutting tools. Using a tool probe or laser, which is attached to the machine table, you can automatically measure the length and diameter of the tools or check for tool breakage in the NC programme.

chip press

A chip press, which is connected to your CNC machining centre, separates the chips from the cooling lubricants and compresses them into clean, manageable briquettes. This reduces logistics costs, saves valuable resources, generates additional revenue and protects the environment.

Work area rinsing

Our CNC machining centres can be equipped with additional rinsing nozzles to ensure optimum process reliability, especially in automated production and aluminium production - efficiently achieved with a minimum amount of water.

Visit us.

Discover the top performance of our CNC technology up close: We cordially invite you to visit our technology centre in Meppen and see the precision of our machining centres for yourself. Arrange an individual demonstration appointment or register for our exclusive in-house exhibition.

We look forward to welcoming you and introducing you to our latest CNC technology.

Personal demonstration appointment.

Visit us in Meppen and see our CNC solutions for yourself. Gain an insight into our production processes and get to know the people behind the HEDELIUS brand. Experience various CNC machining centres live in action in our technology centre. Make an appointment with our expert advisors today!

More news.

Übergabe Bonitätszetifikat CrefoZert Creditreform Leer

HEDELIUS Maschinenfabrik GmbH in Meppen has once again been awarded the Creditreform CrefoZert creditworthiness certificate. This certificate once again confirms the company's excellent creditworthiness. The strict requirements for the renewal of the CrefoZert continue to be fully met

HEDELIUS 4-/5-Achs-Bearbeitungszentrum TILTENTA 7-2000 NEO + HEDELIUS Palettenautomation MARATHON SR415 mit Spanntöpfen an der Rüststation und am Rundtisch (Perspektive leicht von oben)

The demand for efficient automation solutions is constantly growing - especially for the versatile machining centres in the popular TILTENTA series. With decades of experience in the development of compact, ergonomic machining centres and powerful automation solutions, we are pleased to present our latest innovation: the TILTENTA 7-2000 NEO in combination with the MARATHON SR415. A combination that promises maximum productivity with minimum space requirements.

(PDF | DE/EN) All machining centres in the ACURA, TILTENTA and FORTE series are closed in a clear series overview with matching accessory options. The catalogue also contains technical data and spindle diagrams in accordance with these. The catalogue also contains a practical overview of possible automation options for HEDELIUS machining centres.