• 10,000 m² state-of-the-art TILTENTA factory.

    Completion in spring 2024.

20 February 2023

HEDELIUS continues to expand its site in Meppen.

Chip for state-of-the-art TILTENTA factory.

The earthworks for the construction of a new production hall for HEDELIUS Maschinenfabrik have begun. On a 25,000 square metre site, around 500 metres as the crow flies from the company headquarters in the Meppen-Nödike industrial estate, a state-of-the-art factory for the production, assembly and storage of the TILTENTA series is being built on a total of 10,000 m² under roof. Completion is planned for spring 2024.


The versatile TILTENTA swivelling head machining centre in particular is enjoying unbroken demand on the market, which is now to be met with the expansion. "The aim is to significantly increase our delivery capacities in the coming years and further optimise processes," explains HEDELIUS Managing Director Dennis Hempelmann. A glance at the production and storage areas reveals a planned increase of a considerable 40 per cent.


The TILTENTA series is thus representative of HEDELIUS' continued solid economic development: in 2022, turnover increased by 11 per cent compared to the previous year to just under EUR 70 million. Thanks to well-filled order books, the company is targeting further growth for the current year.


HEDELIUS is also clearly on the lookout for new staff, particularly in the design and assembly ranges. Anyone interested can find an overview of all open positions at hedelius.de/karriere.

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